06 December 2011


The sounds I created were recorded on my Canon EOS 60D, the jet sound was recorded during an airshow when a F/A18 Hornet was flying and the bullet sound was recorded by moving my finger over the vent on my computer. The other sounds are from http://www.kongregate.com/labs. The sounds were imported into the flash game and coding added per the above source's tutotal.

11 October 2011

Game idea: Aircraft war

My idea for a game is to have an aircraft war which involves the aircraft your flying has a task of dropping bombs on selected enemy targets but at the same time having enemy flying and firing at you from ahead and behind. As the game goes longer (maybe time or score based) or each level, the game will get harder, by adding clouds, fog and neutral targets which look like enemy targets and enemy aircraft get more advanced or larger with more weapons to shot your aircraft down.

The aircraft, except the enemy, will move however it will back slowly to make it more realistic that it is slowing down and not reversing. The enemy aircraft will only move forward but can move up and down to avoid your gun fire.

The ground and buildings will be moving the fastest and in a loop to make the game play longer and keep the file size of the game down.

I'm hoping by adding the above will make the game fun, while not making it too hard or easy for the player.

Similar game to this is Red Skies.

Game reviews

1. The Amazing Dare-Dozen
The game involves trying to get an egg from one nest to the next, most of which are moving, which would use similar or the same coding as the tutorial we learnt last term. The game is something that people can get hooked in as it is hard but also easy, so you wouldn't get sick of it. The graphics are basic but good however the colour is hard to see on some screens.

2. Hold The Rope
The game involves using the mouse to keep the strength of each of the men holding the road, I assume the game would use some different coding but it could use similar coding. The game is hard and I don't really see the point of it, other then the game ends if you don't keep the strength up on the men.

3. The Truth Is Up There
The game involves using the keyboard and mouse to control the video recorder to tape UFO's which fly on the screen. Zooming in and having the maximum time of the UFO gives you a higher check (which is also your score) however zooming in makes it harder to track the UFO. The coding would using some different and similar coding. The game is hard if you zoom in but easy if zoomed out, making it somewhat addictive.

21 September 2011

Driving Game

Using our skills to code a simple flash game using action script 2.
Can you control the car using your keyboard (using the up/down/left/right) without running off the road? See what happens when you press the up/down/left/right on your keyboard and see what happens.

Not working? http://sites.google.com/site/robsmedia2011/home/file-cabinet/DrivingGame.swf

14 September 2011

15 August 2011

Human emotions









Principles of Animation

Squash and Stretch is the purpose of giving the sense of flex and weight to simple or complex objects such as a human walking, galloping horse or bouncing a ball. It can give a realistic feel and the ability of exaggerate to give an comical feel, however it is important that the objects volume remains the same.

Anticipation makes the action more realistic and prepares the viewer/audience, however anticipation can be left out if it is to be expected.

Staging gives the viewer/audiences' attention by showing the great importance to the scene by the lighting, angle of the scene and placement of the object within the frame, it is important to remember that you keep the scene with relevant detail.

Straight Ahead Action is to draw key frames, from start to end by frame to frame, which creates an illusion of fluid and dynamic movement which can produce realistic sequences however it makes it difficult to keep the proportions consistent which can make the animation to lose its ability to convince the viewer/audience that the animation is realistic, although computer animation makes straight ahead action removes the proportion issues which face and drawn animations.

Pose to Pose is a key principle of animation as it has better workings to make a scene more realistic but making for an example drama or emotional scenes. Both Straight Ahead Action and Pose to Pose can be used in combination with each other and is often used in the animation community.

Follow Through is where parts of an object are still moving while the object is stopped.

Overlapping Action is where parts of an object will move at different rate of speed or lag.

Slow In and Slow Out is when movement of an object is speed up and slowed down, from that start to the end with the middle moving more quickly. This can be done by having more frames at the start and end and fewer in the middle.

Arcs in animation is important to make movements with realistic realism since the majority of human and animal actions happen along an arched trajectory.

Secondary Action can make the main action look more realistic and help support it.

Timing is important to demonstrate your the action and to give the animation the realism. By using laws of physics and emotions.

Exaggeration is an useful effect to use on a animation as a real life cartoon can look static and dull. By exaggerating the cartoon or animation can make it more realistic.

Solid Drawing means taking into account of the size, weight, space and volume. This can be done by sketching real life to get the basic understanding of three-dimensional shapes, weight, balance, light etc.

Appeal, in the real world is call charisma. All types of characters can be appealing, along with using simple face expressions rather then complicated expressions which can be confusing or hard to read for the viewer/audience.

02 August 2011

14 June 2011

iPad screen mockup

Hungry Jacks self ordering app iPad screen mockup.

My iPad app idea

My idea for a customised iPad app is for a fast food outlet (my example will be fore Hungry Jacks) so that people can view what the food (such as a burger), nutritional information, price and  allow the customer to order and pay for food purchased without having to wait for a customer assistant to serve them and guessing what is in the burger.

Images used:

06 June 2011

Digital version of the Smart Touch

Slowly building it up in Adobe Illustrator, it will likely have changes made before the final version has been completed. Everything has been created by myself in Adobe Illustrator. 
More functions and buttons to be added
Still to be completed URC

24 May 2011

Designing an interactive Going Green flash presentation

Designing an interactive Going Green flash presentation.
Keeping it as simple as possible, could have made it more
detailed if I used A5 rather then A3 paper (Draft version 1.0).
Draft version 1.1
Digital version, not yet completed

Class feedback:
  • Have pulsing symbols, icons or items.
  • Show good and bad examples.
  • Animate, but keep it simple and don't complicate it.
  • Show flys around the compost bin.
  • Don't have the bike behind the car.
  • Have the person with the suit case walking.
Interesting sites:

Smart Touch URC

Reworked with some new ideas, just need some fixes as this was done on a A4 page rather then an A3.
This is just a draft, so I can get ideas since this is a similar I'm looking at doing for the final. I'll be doing one more draft based on the feedback and will be done on a A3 page so it can be better layed out.

16 May 2011

Evaluation of the nature of design in the iPad

1. In your opinion how important is it for mobile applications and devices to both look good and function properly? Comment on both the attractiveness of the software and the hardware. 
It is extremely important for mobile devices and applications to be attractive and function correctly, an unattractive mobile device or application will not be used or widely used by people as it may make it harder to use, not aesthetically pleasing or a fad that has run its course. Function is also just as important as its attractiveness since a poorly functioning mobile device or application will not serve the purpose that it was advertised or designed to do.

2. Who designed the iPad? Was it an individual or team? In your opinion, do people use this device because it looks good or because it functions well? Or does it do both?
The iPad was designed and developed by a small team of people, lead by senior vice president of Industrial Design, Jonathan Ive[1], who work for Apple by designing and developing new products, new features and new models for existing products. The iPad's design to look attractive and give functions to as many people, occupation and corporation as possible, in other words the iPad has almost unlimited uses.

3. How has the iPad changed the way some businesses function? Can you find examples of where businesses have implemented the iPad into their day-to-day activities?
The iPad has changed the way some businesses operate by needing less staff, as less money is spent on wages, making businesses more efficient. Global Mundo Tapas at the Rydges Hotel in Sydney is using iPads to show menus, photos of each dish, how they want their meat cooked, allow customers to order their meals and drinks and what wine goes with each dish[2]. Jetstar is planning to add modified iPads as in-flight entertainment units on its aircraft[3].

4. Overall, what other major flaws of this type of technology? Can you think of anyways in the future that this hardware will be improved to the point where it will compete with desktop and laptop computers?
The touch screen can be damaged beyond repair if it is scratched or dropped, it lacks a card reader and USB ports which most if not all laptops and desktops have, no multi-tasking abilities and lacks Adobe Flash, making it impossible to use sites which largly use Flash[4].

5. How do you think the iPad could help your day-to-day workflow? Are the answers straightforward? Is it more a case of combining this technology with others that already exist?
iPad is like any other technology, it will not replace desktops and laptops but allows the user the combine all the technologies into one powerful tool.

6. Consider the following–has the iPad shaped the way we do business? Or has business and technology shaped the way Apple developed the iPad?
Both, business wanted something different to a laptop and Apple wanted to do something different to making laptops, desktops, iPods and iPhones.

7. Is the iPad and tablets in general a passing fad? Or do you think this type of technology is here to stay long-term?
Some are fads and some will be lasting fads, depending on its features, size, weight, how it could be used or implemented in a work place.

8. Conduct a discussion with the whole class and determine based on the general consensus the pros and cons of tablet-based technology.
The portability of the iPad due to its size and weight, compared to a laptop and desktop computer, far more powerful then a smart phone, but the iPad can't make phone calls like a smart phone can. The iPad also lacks USB and a card reader, making it impossible for people to use the iPad to tansfer files from USB devices and memory cards (e.g. SD, XD). The other downside is multi tasking and performance is limited but the upside is that the iPad battery power is far more longer lasting then a laptop.

9. Many people say that the iPad is an unnecessary piece of hardware caught in limbo between a laptop and mobile phone. Do you think this consensus is accurate. Do you think that your answer could be different in five years time?
No, I think the consensus is mixed. The iPad has a lot of potential to become an every day item used for a number of tasks in multi able ways. In the next five years it would be improved so much that it could compete against the laptop and netbook but the desktop computer will still serve its purpose.


  1. Dalrymple, Jim (2010), Steve Jobs, Jony Ive named smartest in tech, 9 July, cnet News, viewed 16 May 2011, http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-20010099-37.html
  2. De Lollis, Barbara (2010), iPad replaces menu in hotel restaurant, 7 June, USA Today, viewed 16 May 2011, http://travel.usatoday.com/hotels/post/2010/06/ipad-replaces-menu-in-hotel-restaurant/95656/1
  3. Hopewell, Luke (2011), Jetstar's iPad plans leak, 9 March, ZDNet, viewed 16 May 2011, http://www.zdnet.com.au/jetstar-s-ipad-plans-leak-339311007.htm
  4. Apple's iPad hit with criticism, 30 January, BigPond News (2010), viewed 16 May 2011, http://bigpondnews.com/articles/Business/2010/01/30/Apples_iPad_hit_with_criticism_423060.html

Billboard design brief

Topic: The world's oil reserves could be exhausted by 2040
Client: Renewable energy organisation
Target: Effects of oil extraction, the limitations of reserves and effects of not having oil
Proposed ideas:
  • The environmental damage caused by oil extraction
  • Limitations of reserves in the World
  • Cost of production
  • What will happen if no new “renewable fuel” is found when the oil reserves run dry
  • Possibility of conflicts/wars over oil
  • What oil is used for other then use as a fuel
    The yet to be completed billboard image
  • Effects on transportation on not having oil 
Idea: The results of what will happen when the oil runs dry by using an a abandoned petrol station and a rusty car.

Desired outcome: Getting people to act that we need to move away from oil to alternative biofuels.

Images used for the billboard:
Archive of links of images:

05 May 2011

Week 10 learning photoshop

Using photomerge and content-aware.
Rotating the photograph and using content-aware.

02 May 2011

ARTC evaluation

Week 10 - Writing Content for a Range of Media

Does the copy get to the point quickly?
Depends on what information you're after, it does tell the reader that the Army isn't an easy career to work in but doesn't entail what makes it hard and what is different in the Army compared to your average nine to five job.

Is the copy shy about the offer or incentive?
Yes, they need to tell more on what there is to offer in the Army and the incentives which comes with it, like most job adverts in the newspaper which makes it more attractive.

Is it easy to respond to?
No, the main page (the home page) of the ARTC has no link to it aim (getting the reader to join) as there is no join now button located on the page which can put off the reader. Having a join now page with a form or ways the reader can apply to join linked on the home page saves time.

Does the copy overcome every objection to replying, leaving the reader with no choice but to act?
No, it leaves the reader to question if they should join or not. The reader would need to navigate to another page the benefits of being in the Army, not just the negatives.

Does the copy use simple words?
Yes, there are no complex words on the home page and is easy to read but could be a little more detailed.

Does the copy use active language (does it address the site visitor as ‘you’)?
Yes but still needs more active language to make it less broad and more attractive to the reader.

Is the copy broken down into simple sections and bullet points?
Not really, it is in three paragraphs rather then two with a bullet point section of the challenges.

28 March 2011

imote Universal Remote Control pitch (Analog form)

Improvements to the pitch
  • Better design of the remote.
  • A different name for the remote rather then using i in the name and a better designed logo.
  • Giving the remote some more functions.
  • Making it different to remotes which are similar but not identical.
  • Add some new technology which doesn't yet exist in other remotes.
  • Giving the remote customisable cover/case, like mobile phones, so the owner can choose any colour or design they want for the remove itself.
  • Giving the remote different interactive interface themes and giving the option for the owner to create their own theme.
  • More detail on what the remote can do and functions.
  • More illustrations on the old and new.
  • Illustrations of the remote. 
  • Better layout and title on the pitch.
  • More catching colours into the pitch. 
  • Catchy slogans and wording. 
  • Better pitch wording. 
Control group
  • Kyle O'Reilly
  • Ashleigh Phillips
  • Gerard Regan

Clickable interactive ball

Not working or want to see the full version? http://sites.google.com/site/robsmedia2011/home/file-cabinet/clickedonme.swf

How to post flash (.swf) to blogger/blogspot

Go to http://sites.google.com and create an account (you can't use your TAFE email [e.g. first.name1@tafensw.net.au]), after signing-up go to "Create page" then select "File cabinet", give it a name then create the page. You will then upload the files you want to post on the blog, copy the URL to the files.

In the bold links need to be replaced with your own URL to the file and if you use Google Sites, you should change https:// to http://. 
<embed align="middle" allowscriptaccess="always" height="400" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" quality="high" src="http://sites.google.com/site/robsmedia2011/home/file-cabinet/Interactiveball.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="550"></embed>
Not working? <a href="http://sites.google.com/site/robsmedia2011/home/file-cabinet/Interactiveball.swf">link name here</a>

NOTE: When posting to blogger/blogspot you must add the above code in Edit HTML and not in Compose mode.

Interactive ball

Learning on how to create an interactive ball by using active script 2 and using the buttons with the ball's tweens.

Not working? http://sites.google.com/site/robsmedia2011/home/file-cabinet/Interactiveball.swf

08 March 2011

Main research: Universal Remote Control

Old non-user friendly URC
Source: cnet.com.au

 I choose the Universal Remote Control as it is something which most people purchase as they have lost or broken the original remote for their household item or they just want one remote controlling all of the household items in the living or entertainment rooms rather then fumbling around for a number of remotes to just control one item. Touchpad remotes to exist however they are rather large and cumbersome to use (some are about the size of the iPad!).

Rather large and cumbersome touchpad URC
Source: edigitales.org

By making a remote that is the similar size, shape, more functions and user friendly which is just a touchpad will be something that people want, another reason why not worry about food getting to the gaps like what happens to buttoned URCs.

While most touchpad URCs have features such as Wi-Fi for internet access so you can watch videos, listen to music or use applications such as Skype, most modern televisions or high definition set top boxes already come with these features. Removing the unneed features means you can make it smaller, easy to use and more reliable.

21 February 2011

M&M's Pastel Pretenders Promotion review

  • The package shows the product under the logo.
  • Makes the purchaser feel good feel like they are getting more with the 10% value more and that they have the chance to win $20,000 as well the five hundred chances of winning one of $100 gift cards.
  • Limited amount of chances mean people will buy more to try and win the prize money.
  • The "extra value pack" can only purchased at Woolworths which benefits the store selling the product not just the manufacture.

  • Package is cluttered with too much of the promotion.
  • Promotion could have been presented better with the use of pastel colours rather then two men dressed in pastel coloured suites.

More to follow when I purchase the the pack myself, due to the low resolution of the image which makes it very hard to see what is good and bad about the packaging.

18 February 2011

Using photoshop

I created this out of a photo of a Koala and two road sign clip art. I used the clone, layer and feather tools within photoshop to create the image.

15 February 2011

Get the Glass

  • Graphics were fantastic for a game which has been around for a few years.
  • The aim of the game as good, by promoting milk.
  • Good mind and strategy game.

  •  Some of the questions were very US orientated, it had to potential to be a very good game had they not targeted one demographic.
  • While it was a hard game to play, I thought that it was rather short. I was expecting more.
  • I thought that focus of the game by trying to out run the police and break out of prison wasn't the best if is aim is a kids and teens. What are we teaching them?

14 February 2011

Effective and ineffective advertising

Effective Advertising

Queensland Flood Relief fund-raising.
An effective advertising by using a gauge marked with funds raised by "shoppers" and contributions by Woolworths.

The advert makes those who shopped and donated at Woolworths feel good by showing the amount raised, a thank you as well to those who have already donated but also makes those who haven't donated why, how and who the money is donated to. The Salvation Army also makes the advert feel more genuine.

I've Been Everywhere but there man!
Effective advert using the BigPond theme but with a rural aspect, using the fact that BigPond is expensive and for those who are not satisifed with their current ISP. The other effective aspect of the advert is the amount of download data with the price with the Internode logo with the slogan "easy broadband".

Saving Water in the driest state
A very effective advert showing the issues of water supplies in Perth, showing ways people can save water, easy to read with all the facts to enforce the fact why water saving is needed.

Ineffective Advertising

DIY Beer or Home Brew?
An ineffective advert for home brew, but in this case it is called "DIY Beer", the advert fails to state why should you by it, using a child's artwork to sell alcohol, why home brew is better then then brew already bottled. Only part of the advert that is somewhat effective is were it can be purchased.

Is this a Golf or a Plates Ad?
Looks more like a advert for a VW Golf rather then customised number plates, this advert also makes it hard to see the website it is telling people to go to.

And the focus is?
Canon's advertising is normally straight to the point or focus' on what the camera can do and how it makes life easier for you with just one image a little bit of text but in this case a very man with a camera in the mouth of a big cat is meant to focus on that the camera now has 35X optical zoom but I don't really think that is the message the photo is giving.